Germ and Bacteria Control
Providing a Clean, Safe Environment
The Renaissance Schools of Stillwater follow universal precautions that comply with the nationally recommended standards set by the US Health Service, Centers for disease control and the American Academy of Pediatrics. To control the spread of infection hand washing and sanitation, procedures have been implemented into the daily routines of children and staff.
Hand Washing is required as follows (Staff and Children):
1. Upon Entrance to the classroom.
2 After use of restroom
3. After each diaper change.
4. After re-entering the classroom from outdoor play.
5. Before eating meals.
6. After contact with any bodily fluid. (Nasal discharge)
Toy Sanitation and Cleaning:
1. All toys and equipment are sanitized daily.
2. Classrooms with children infants - age two, toys are sanitized after each use.